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More favorite places to find information about dogs and their behavior:
- Bitey End of the Leash
- Drinking from the Toilet
- Cog Dog Radio
- Pooch Parenting Podcast
- Paws & Reward
- Pod to the Rescue
- The Functional Dog Collaborative
Decompression Walk for Dogs:
- A Decompression Walk Chat by Sarah Stremming (podcast episode)
- What is a Decompression Walk for Dogs? by Tails of Connection
- The Life-Changing Power of Decompression Walks by Dogminded
Great reads:
- The Other End of the Leash by Patricia McConnell
- Doggy Language by Lili Chin
- Overcoming Your Child's Fear of Dogs by Stefani M Cohen
- Everyone Needs a Timeout: Self-Care Strategies for People and Pets by Shaun Davis, Charlene Derby & Kelsey Weber
- Inside of a Dog by Alexandra Horowitz
- Canine Enrichment for the Real World by Allie Bender & Emily Strong
- Plenty in Life is Free by Kathy Sdao
- Animals in Translation by Temple Grandin
- The Culture Clash by Jean Donaldson
- Treat Everyone Like a Dog by Karen B. London
- Wag by Zazie Todd